
Weekly Services

Adult and Children’s Sunday School

Sundays @ 8:45am 


Lord’s Day Corporate Worship 

Sundays @ 10am 

Communion every first Sunday of the month


Fellowship Coffee Hour 

Sundays after the morning worship service


Evening Prayer

Sundays @ 6pm

Monthly Fellowship Meal Sunday, July 28

Join us for our end-of-the-month meal, a regular time of giving thanks for the Lord’s provision in our lives, and celebrating the goodness of the Lord made tasteable. If able, please bring a dish or side to share. All are welcome.

After worship in the fellowship Hall

Vacation Bible School
August 7–8

“X marks the spot” is a phrase associated with expeditions and treasure hunts as adventurers set off to seek fame and fortune. For Christians, a cross marks the spot where the greatest treasure is found—redemption through our Lord Jesus Christ. We hope your children can attend VBS this year to dig deeply with us into the rich treasure God has given to the world.

9am–2pm at the church